Sunday, June 17, 2012

Music Monday

Hi there! Since my blog has a shiny new look (courtesy of IM Designs), I thought I'd start a new posting schedule. First up is Music Monday! I love all kinds of music and am always looking for new artists and new inspiration for my writing. Every Monday, I'll post my current song obsessions, and I want you to share yours, too! This week, there are two songs I've been listening to on repeat:

"Rainy Zurich" by The Fray

I'm a huge fan of The Fray, and this song from their latest album, Scars and Stories, is one of my favorites. I particularly love the line "You are what I never knew I needed." Lines like that serve as great inspiration when I'm writing romantic moments in my stories!

"On the Nature of Daylight" by Max Richter

I discovered this piece of music when I watched Garrett Kling's Week 5 entry (which is GORGEOUS) in the Young Artists Showcase. I found it so beautiful and so perfect for skating. I'd love to see it used for a competitive program.

What are your song obsessions this week? 


  1. New debut album from Edens Edge -- the whole thing. :-) I can't pick just one song. (I got the deluxe edition, too, so there are three extra songs to be obsessed with!)

    1. I've never heard of them, so I'll have to check them out! I love finding new music!

    2. Here's one of their videos, to give you a taste! :-)

  2. I have a huge array of various types of music. But the one song I've been listening to over and over again for the past couple days is "Romantic Flight" by John Powell from the How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack. :)

    1. Ooh, I just listened to it on YouTube. It's really pretty!

  3. Great idea! Glad to know I'm not the only one who listens to the same song on repeat, lol. For the last two weeks I've been obsessed with "Breath of Life" by Florence and The Machine, and "Gravity of Love" by Enigma.

  4. I have an award for you on my blog if you'd like to come check it out.


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